The reason I go red: I was very fit, in the best shape of my life. I exercised, I ate right, I did everything I was supposed to do. Yet, at age 39, I was diagnosed with heart disease and my life was literally hanging my a thread. God didn't save my life to remain silent! I had no chest pain whatsoever when I was diagnosed. I was actually misdiagnosed with asthma for 2 years! Going to the doctor all the time with complaints of being tired and short of breath. Doctors said I was doing too much....a single mom, working fulltime and going to college. They are doctors...I believed them. My Mom kept urging me to get my heart checked. She kept telling me it could be my heart. I told her the doctors know. I mean, they are doctors, right? They went to school for their knowledge. They know what they are doing. LADIES....let this be a warning to you. Doctors still don't think about heart disease in women even though it's our number one killer and the reason is, our symptoms are so different! I had no chest pain at all. My symptoms were fatigue, shortness of breath and nausea. On the morning of June 21,2001 when I got up I could not fit into my own clothes. My face was red and puffy and I couldn't walk just a couple of feet without feeling worn out and needing to sit down. My father took me to the ER and I was greeted by Dr. Clyde Watson, a doctor I used to work for. Thank God for that. He took one look at me and these were his very words to me. I will never forget them. He said, "Has anyone ever checked your heart?". Sadly, they had not. Over two years of doctor appts and not one doctor even listened to my heart! One that day I learned I had 1/16th of my heart functioning and was told I would die without a heart transplant. I go Red so you don't have to go thru this. I don't want another woman to go two years misdiagnosed until the damage is so great it could cost them their life. Learn the heart facts, get the truth and Go RED!
Please pray for a very young lady. Savannah Coffman is 21 years old and received her 2nd heart transplant just a few weeks ago. There were complications with lung function so they had to leave her open. She started running a fever so they went ahead and closed her up. She needs a miracle. Her body is full of infection and she went into cardiac arrest but doctors were able to bring her back. Right now, things are not looking good for her. I remember a doctor saying those words to me. God is in control. Please pray!
Please pray for a very young lady. Savannah Coffman is 21 years old and received her 2nd heart transplant just a few weeks ago. There were complications with lung function so they had to leave her open. She started running a fever so they went ahead and closed her up. She needs a miracle. Her body is full of infection and she went into cardiac arrest but doctors were able to bring her back. Right now, things are not looking good for her. I remember a doctor saying those words to me. God is in control. Please pray!