About Me

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At age 39, I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy. I was given days to live with a heart function of 5% at that time. I was also told I needed a heart transplant to survive. I am now a 13 year survivor and have not had a heart transplant. I am married to my best friend, Steve and have one daughter, age 19. I'm sharing my journey to help others and because it "Matters to my Heart."

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Joe the Plummer!

Ok...I just have to post this. My daughter was all excited when she got home from school today. My dad was too! As my Dad was driving home he said Jocelyn screamed....hey, there's John McCains bus! It was at a small business not far from our home. So, they got out to investigate and it was Joe the Plummer! He was going around small businesses in the area talking about Obama's tax plan and how it will hurt small businesses. They listened for a bit but then Jocelyn got cold so they came home. She said.....Sunday, I saw Cammie Dierking and today Joe the Plummer....who's next? You never know!

Listen up Ladies!

Ok...since I know some of this information got lost in my last post, I wanted to post it again. I've heard it said you have to hear or see something 7 times before it really sinks in. I have to say I was amazed during the health fair at Jungle Jims just how many women still do not realize their number 1 health threat. In one span of about 20 minutes, I would see 7 or 8 women that never knew heart disease was our number 1 killer (and I could tell some of them were not taking it serious even after you tell them) and then in another span of 20 minutes, I would hear stories from 7 or 8 women about how heart disease has touched them personally. It is so important to know this information but just knowing won't save your life. It takes ACTION. Why is it we are so good about getting our yearly mamograms and paps but we never give our heart a thought? So, here are some statistics concerning women and heart disease that I think are worth repeating:

**1 in 5 women have some form of cardiovascular disease.
**Since 1984, the number of cardiovascular deaths for females has exceeded those for males. The difference in deaths is now more than 58,200 a year.
**Final 1998 mortality for cardiovascular disease was 503,927 for females (this is in 1 year!) compared to 445,692 for males.

*****IN the US, cardiovascular disease claims the lives of 504,000 females annually: all forms of cancer combined claim 259,000. Breast cancer 41,700, lung cancer 64,500. So you can see, we need to start taking care of our hearts and really taking this more seriously!

**There is one death per minute for women

**Coronary heart disease is the single largest killer of American females.
**42% of women who have heart attacks die within a year compared with 24% of men.
**In 63% of women who died suddenly of coronary heart disease, there were no previous symptoms of this disease (so take your symptoms serious if you have any!)

Women don't recognize the symptoms of a heart attack and arrive too late at the hospital, causing more heart damage, death, or heart failure.

Many medical professionals (still) don't recognize the symptoms of a heart attack in women and take too long to make the diagnosis. If you are having symptoms........push your doctor to check your heart. You really have to be your own advocate!

**Review of the symptoms in women

**Chest pain or discomfort can appear anywhere in the chest, abdomen, or below the rib cage. Even jaw pain can be a symptom of the heart. Some women have upper back pain.
**Heart palpitations or a "fluttering" heart beat
**Chest pain/discomfort develops during activity but subsides with the activity stops.
**Pain may appear during the night or in the morning and then subside.
**Shortness of breath, breathlessness
**Nausea, indigestion, gas (sometimes after eating)

If you have any of these symptoms, insist on a thorough check of your heart....not just an EKG......a thorough check of your heart is in order and not too much to ask. I never had pain.....only fatigue, nausea and shortness of breath and my doctor thought I was just doing too much and that I had asthma. I repeat......INSIST on a thorough check of your heart if you have any of those symptoms. Never let a doctor tell you that you're too young for heart disease or that you just need to slow down without first ruling out heart disease. It may save your life!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Day at the Spa and some alarming statistics

ok....I have NEVER been to a spa before so today was an absolute treat for me. The Mandarine Hair, Foot & Body spa sponsored a Go Red for Women Girlfriends event for heart disease survivors and anyone wanting to learn about heart disease. I took my daughter Jocelyn with me and we both had a bit of pampering. After all....us women take care of everyone else in our lives without ever really taking the time for ourselves. Some pampering from time to time is needed! So, Jocelyn and I had our make up done at the spa and Jocelyn had her nails done, in red, of course! We had some yummy chocolate covered strawberries and a few other little treats. I am not one to wear makeup so this was a real treat for me. So, after our day at the spa, we had a pastor appreciation dinner at church. Steve had to drive seperately since Jocelyn and I came straight from the spa. So, Steve looks at me an says.....you have a lot more makeup on than you usually wear. I looked at him and said, any makeup they put on me is more than I ever wear. He knows I don't wear any and it's because he doesn't like it that I don't! Men! Oh well! Jocelyn and I had a good time and it was fun just getting to spend some "alone" time with Jocelyn. She's growing up so fast and I cherish those times spent with her chatting about what's going on in her life. It seems like just yesterday she was playing dress up and messing in my make up and now she's 14 and is wearing makeup. It was a nice event for the Madarine to put on. Cammy Dierking from channel 12 news was there. I love her on the news but I didn't want to bother her so didn't go up and introduce myself. Sometimes I just think they need to have their "spa" time too without being bombarded with strangers wanting to have pictures made with them or whatever else. That has to feel so strange to them. Ok...enough about the spa time. Now to some alarming statistics about heart disease that were shared with us this evening.

**1 in 5 women have some form of cardiovascular disease
**Since 1984, the number of cardiovascular deaths for females has exceeded those for males. The difference in deaths now is more than 58,200 per year.
**Since 1998 mortality for cardiovascular disease was 503,927 for females compared with 445,692 for males.
**In the US, cardiovascular disease claimse the lives of 504,000 annually: all forms of cancer 259,000. Breast cancer 41,700 per year, lung cancer 64,500 yet many women still believe breast cancer is their greatest threat.
**This equals one death per minute for women.

**42% of women who have heart attacks die within a year compared with 24% of men.
**In 63% of women who died suddenly of coronary heart disease, there were no previous symptom.

**Reasons wome have worse outcomes after heart attack
Women don't recgnize the symptoms of a heart attack and arrive too late at the hospital, causing more heart damage, death or heart failure.

Medical professionals don't recognize the symptoms of a heart attack in women and take too long to make the diagnosis.

Heart disease symptoms in men (typical symptoms):
**Lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea, or shortness of breath
**Severe pain, heavy pressure, fullness, or a squeezing sensation of the chest
**chest discomfort
**Pain that spreads to the shoulders, neck, or down the arm (usually the left arm)

Heart disease symptoms in women (atypical symptoms):
**Chest pain or discomfort can appear anywhere in the chest, abdomen, or below the rib cage.
**Heart palpitations, or a "fluttering" heart beat
**Chest pain/discomfort develops during activity (walking, exercise) but subsides when the activity stops
**Pain may appear during the night or in the morning and then subside.
**Shortness of breath, breathlessness
**Nausea, indigestion, gas (sometimes after eating)

The most important thing to focus on is a symptom (no matter what, where, or how minor) that occurs with activity or stress and goes away with rest. A symptom of this type should be checked out immediately to avoid a heart attack, heart damage, or death.

I look back over years before I was finally diagnosed with heart failure and can remember times when I felt my heart "flutter" and as a child I was usually more fatigued that other kids my age. I would have to take naps, even as a young adult. I never had pain but I realize now these were symtpoms of my heart that if I had known were serious, could have saved my heart from the severe damage it has now. Please, take these symptoms seriously. If you are not getting answers from your doctor, seek a second opinion. Make sure you get the answers you need. I had severe fatigue and nauseaness days before my trip to the ER when I was finally properly diagnosed. By that time, the damage had already been done. Please don't allow this to happen to you. Be aware of the symptoms of heart disease and seek attention early. It could save your life, or the life or your mother, aunt, daughter or friend.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Health Fair

If you are in the Cincinnati area, today Jungle Jims is having a health fair from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. There will be free health screenings available. Go Red for Women will have a booth with information about women and heart disease. I'll be there from 2:30 -4:00! Hope to see you there. There will be lots of goodies!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Yesterday's Dr. visit

Ok....the ups and downs of having heart failure! Yesterday, I went to see my heart failure specialist. The doctor from Ohio state Univ has increased one of my drugs once again to try and improve my heart function. My last echo in September still does not show improvement despite taking higher doses of the drug that is supposed to help with this. So, the specialist wants me in this study where they do the heart net. This has been mentioned to me several times before. So, if I get into this study, there is no guarantee that I'll get the heart net. I could be put in a group that has drug therapy and device therapy (pacemaker), which is what I am currently already doing. So, I need to really pray about this to see what God would have me do. On one hand, I feel somewhat excited because this could really help people in the future once we get FDA approval. It's exciting to think you could be a part of a new treatment that could really improve the lives of so many down the road and at the same time help your own heart. On the other hand, I'm not thrilled at the thought of surgery, athough this surgery is not as invasive as open heart surgery. They actually go through a small incision in your side, they do not have to break the rib cage. I have mixed emotions. Even though I'm not thrilled at the thought of surgery, I feel like it would be a waste to be in the study and get picked for the placebo group. Right now, I'm not really sure what to do so I'd appreciate prayer. I've really got to pray and be still and listen. If anyone reading this has been in this study and has the heart net.......let me know how it was and if the procedure has helped you. The doctor doesn't give me a whole lot of information and I am an information person! I want to know more about it before I decide. Of course, I may end up not qualifying. They want to do another metabolic stress test on me......I just did one back in June and I didn't qualify then so I don't know why they want to do another one so quickly. I think they really want me in this study.....not sure if it's so much for me or if it's more to help get FDA approval. I have real mixed emotions here! OH, if you want to read the little info I have on this, go to www.bigheartstudy.com. They are doing this in Cincinnati at the lindner Center and at the Ohio State University in Columbus.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Apple Streusel Cupcakes

I love apples in the fall so thought I would post a recipe for a cupcake that is pretty low sodium. Each cupcake has about 144 mg of sodium

Streusel Topping:

1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal (quick-cooking or regular)
2 tablespoons firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons chopped walnuts
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons canola or corn oil
1 1/2 teapsoons water
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


1 9-ounce box single-layer yellow cake mix
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
Whites of 2 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 medium apple, such as jonathan or McIntosh, peeled and cut into 3/4 inch cubes (about 3/4 cup)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a 12-cup muffin pa with paper muffin cups or lightly spray the pan with vegetable oil spray.

In a small bowl, stir together the streusel topping ingredients until crumbly.

In a medium mixing bown, beat the cake mix, applesauce, egg whites, and cinnamon with an electric mixer on medium speed for 3 minutes. Stir in the apples. Fill each muffin cup about 3/4 full with batter. Sprinkle the topping over the batter.

Bake for 20 to 22 minutes or until a cake tester or wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Place on a cooling rack. Enjoy!

Back from Vacation

Ok...today was back to reality. Back to work and the daily grind. We had such a nice vacation and I really didn't want to come home! We stayed in Nashville, Indiana inside the Yellow wood state forest. We were miles from another person. I absolutely loved it. I could live that way, well, at least as long as I'm only about 30 minutes from some shopping! We shopped the shops of Little Nashville. They have about 250 little shops with a variety of different things. There is something for everyone. It takes a good 3 days to really get thru all the shops. If you've never been, I recommend it for those that love to shop! We relaxed a lot at the cabin, which had no phone! I could live without a phone too! We did have TV but we rarely turned it on. That's another thing I could live without too. There's nothing on that's worth my time to sit down and watch anything anymore. We turned it on for the news just to check out the forecast for the next day and that was it. We fished and my daughter, Jocelyn, outfished the guys! She's a really good fisher woman! She yelled out that she had one and before I turned around to look, she had it reeled in already! It was probably about a 10 pound large mouth bass. So, she has a fish story to tell that is real! Last year, she caught a huge catfish that took her about 20 minutes to reel in, but she got it in! I was in heaven there. I love to cook so I got to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner while we were there and just pamper my parents. They deserve it for everything they have done for me over the years. I could never pay them back but I know they do it because they love me! We take our own food since I have to watch my sodium and I do the cooking. I absolutely love doing that! If I didn't have to work, I'd do that every day! We did eat dinner out one day and went to the Artist Colony. If you get a chance to go to Nashville, Indiana, make sure to eat there. It's one of my absolute favorites because everything is homemade. Lots of things that fit into a low sodium diet too. So, for a few days we got away from the hectic, busy lives we all tend to live. We made memories that will last a liftime. Do the same with your family!

When we got home, we had relatives in from Virginia and West Virginia and we spent a long weekend with them. Those are the times I cherish!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Vacation! Yay!

Ok........I'm off on vacation this morning. Vacations are so important to take so if you get the chance........escape! They do your heart, mind, and body good! I can't write much this morning since I just started packing. Hey, you mom's out there know how it is. We take care of everything else before we take care of our own stuff or our selves! So, since I still have packing to do I just wanted to leave you with my favorite Bible verse. This verse has become my "theme" so to speak ever since my diagnosis with heart failure. It has helped me thru a lot and so I hope it speaks to you in some way today. It's also the verse that I use for my heart walk team every year and for my ministry "Matter of the Heart." So here it is:

Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever.

Without God's strength, I could do nothing.......he is absolutely all I need. He is my portion. I hope he's your strength and your portion today.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Replace the salt in your shaker with this!

Herb Seasoning

This is an all purpose replacement for the salt shaker. It's perfect for keeping on the table or kitchen counter. This mixture is good on vegetables and meats and in casseroles and stews.

1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon dried basil, crumbled
1 teaspoon dried marjoram, crumbled
1 teaspoon dried thyme, crumbled
1 teaspoon dried parsley, crumbled
1 teaspoon dried savory, crumbled
1 teaspoon dried ground mace or nutmet
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon sage
1/2 teaspoon cayenne (optional, according to taste!)

Mix all the ingredients until well blended. Store in a jar with a tight fitting lid in a cool, dry, dark place for up to six months!

Traveling with heart failure

I love to travel but one thing I have found is that it can really be a challenge when you have heart failure. Not the traveling part.....that is fine and very enjoyable but if you have heart failure, you know what I'm talking about. It's very hard, especially if you have to eat every meal out. So, I thought I'd try and post some tips of things you can do when you are traveling. It's not always possible to get a place that has a kitchen, but if possible, that's what I do. The vacation I'm taking next week will be no problem because I will do all my own cooking since we have rented a cabin. I'm talking all my own food with me so I can make it according to my low sodium diet. This isn't always possible though and deciding what and where to eat can be a challenge. Some of the things I do that you may also find helpful are:

I always take fruit with me and make that my breakfast! Sometimes you can order fruit off the menu at many places also. You can never go wrong with fruit and OJ for breakfast and that's about the lowest sodium meal you will ever have! That way, you've kept it low at breakfast so you have room for more throughout the day because lunch and dinners can be the real challenges.

I always take a loaf of my low sodium bread with me. Whenever I order a sandwich, I swap out the bun or bread for my own low sodium bread. You can lower the sodium in one sandwich by a great deal by doing this. It can be as much as 400 mg that you lower by swapping out the bun or bread.

I always carry my own no salt added ketchup with me too. Ketchup is very high in sodium and you can get more than you realize in just a little cup with an order of fries.

Aks for everything you order to be prepared without the salt! I always tell them to hold the cheese too because cheese is very high in sodium.

Ask for half orders........you get way too much to eat anyway! smaller portions can lower the sodium quite a bit.

Order a baked potato and a salad. For your dressing, use vinegar and oil because most salad dressings are very high in sodium.

If you are flying, most airlines have a toll free number you can call to special order a low-sodium meal on your flight. You'll need to request this in advance though so do a few days before you are scheduled to leave.

Pack a meal in an insulated lunch bag. I do this quite often!

Some hotels offer "heart healthy" room service choices. You'd be surprised. I still ask for everything with no salt, just to be sure.

Be careful with pre-dinner treats. Those little nibbles of finger foods can add up in a hurry.

This vacation, I'll eat out once for lunch, once for dinner and once for breakfast. Try and plan where you will eat a head of time if possible. Make special requests when you can.....don't be afraid to do so! I know the place we will be having dinner at serves meats without the added salt and they have locally grown produce, so I request they add no salt when preparing my food. They are always happy to do this. Don't be afraid to ask if they use free range meats or not. Most of your nicer places do this now and a lot of places get their meats from local farmers so there has been nothing added to it! I try and find those places and go there often. I'll be eating at one next week that I love! There are lots of things you can do to avoid too much salt, but don't be afraid to ask!

Hope that helps........if you have any tips to add, please feel free to leave a comment. I'm always looking for new ways to lower sodium!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pacemaker check

Just a quick update. I went for a pacemaker check today and there were no episodes of rapid/irregular beats over the last 6 months! Yay! That is great news. Now, to stay well during cold and flu season. That's when all my problems started last year, right after my yearly fall vacation. I got my flu shot today too. Everyone should get a flu shot....it's quick and painless and is much better than getting the flu! The flu in people with heart failure can be life threatening. So, everyone in my family gets one to keep me from coming down with the flu if they are exposed. You should do the same! Alright, I had a busy week and now I'm ready for vacation, which is next week! I'll be off in a secluded cabin in the woods enjoying the beauty of nature God created for us to enjoy! This is my favorite vacation we take every year. I've told many of my friends that I don't need a mansion in heaven, just a rustic log cabin with a moose in the yard! What could be more perfect?! Ok...do something good for your heart today! Don't sweat the small stuff! My husband just called and he's stuck in traffic. It seems he got caught behind the Ross High School homecoming parade on the way home from work. He's a little stressed! I just don't him told him not to sweat the small stuff. It's not good for yor heart! Oh...he is so stressed and nothing I say will cheer him up! So, the moral of the story today is, if you get stuck in traffic, don't stress about it. Take the time to reflect on your blessings and all that God has done for you. After all, he may be keeping you from being in an accident, etc.

One bad thing today, one of my favorite doctors is moving to California. The doctor that implanted both pacemakers I've had is leaving. I told him he couldn't, but he didn't listen to me! Can you believe that, the nerve! So, next time I have it checked, I'll have a different doctor and next time I need one implanted, I'll have a new doctor doing that also. So, Dr. Chow......THANK YOU for everything you have done. I'm going to miss you! You're a great doctor and people in California are lucky you're coming! I'm losing a good one!

Since I am talking about my pacemaker check today, I'll talk a bit about my pacemaker. I have a Medtronic bi-ventricular pacemaker with defibrillator. If you have heart failure and this has been recommended to you, run as fast as you can to get it! I was nervous when I got my first one. So, I asked my heart failure specialist (Dr. Chung) what his thoughts were. He said if it were him, he'd run naked to get it! So, I got one.....I have never regretted it. Since the left and right side of my heart do not beat together, this pacemaker works all the time to keep it in synch. It has made me feel so much better and has given me incredible energy. In most people, it also helps improve heart function or your EF. It has not done so in me but the other benefits I have gotten from it are well worth it. Doctors say it still can help my heart function, even after years. But, I can shop till you drop with the best of them and I don't get tired so I'm glad I have it. Don't be afraid of the procedure itself either. It's not bad at all. You are in the hospital overnight but you are not all the way under during surgery. You can talk to your doctor and everything but you don't feel a thing. I actually watched my heart on the screen the first time. I got my first one in 2004 and my second one just this past January. I got an upgrade to a defibrillator due to the problems I had last winter with my heart rate, etc. The technology gets better every year and they can do so many different types of programming to help your heart along. I didnt' want the difibrillator but now I'm so glad I have it. Like my friend Julie said....it's like a life squad in your heart! It's there if you need it so if you have been told you need one by your physician, don't be too afraid to get it. It could save your life! My new one is actually wireless, which means I don't need to be hooked up to anything when they check it! The nurses loved it when I came in for my first check because I was their first wireless patient. They had me go in another room just to see what all they could do. They got a kick out of it! Anyway, I'm thankful for the technology that we have and I hope this will help someone that is trying to decide what to do. Like Dr. Chung told me 4 years ago.......I'd run naked to get one! You will never regret it!

Ok....do something good for your heart. Exercise, watch a funny movie, or just relax! I'll try and post a new low sodium recipe tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Laughter really is the best medicine!

Ok....I have to post a funny that made me laught until I cried this past weekend. I am in a production at my local church called "Kidstuf". This is a fast paced, high energy production with skits, singing, etc. that is geared towards kids and parents. Adults get as much out of it as the kids and love it just as much! Anyway, during one segment of the production our incredible host, Tracy Starr, did a game called "These aren't the Lyrics." She called up 3 "willing" participants....I say willing very loosely here! They were suppposed to sing 3 different songs and then fill in the missing lyrics. Well, one song was "Chariots of Fire". You might be stratching your head on that one.....the next song was "Eye of the Tiger", and the 3rd song, well, I'll just wait on that one! So, the "volunteers" were not cooperating so Tracy yells, "stop the music!" I don't think she has ever done that before but it was hilarious! She then calls my husband to the stage and restarts the music and he sings, "I AM WOMAN!" We were all laughing so hard backstage we were crying! He was such a good sport and it gave us all a good laugh that morning which made me want to talk about laughter and how good it actually is for you.

Did you know laughter really is good for your heart? Laughter actually increases blood flow in the body. In fact, laughter actually boosts blood flow about the same amount as light excercise or drugs that lower cholesterol. Laughter on a regular basis will undo some of the excess stress we face in our everyday lives. Laughter increases circulation and improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout the body. Laughter helps lower blood pressure. Laughter actually helps strengthen the heart muscle so it's particularly good for those that can't exercise on a regular basis. Laughter aids the immune system and is good for the lungs because it helps empty the lungs of air. Laughter helps reduce stress hormones in the body. Laughter won't cost you a thing either.....and that's good news in today's economy! I love to laugh and for the most part, you will see me laughing at things others don't even find that funny! A good belly laugh does wonders for your health and your heart so laugh to your heart's content! Just do it!

So, thanks Tracy for the good laugh you gave us on on Sunday! It was good for us all! Anytime you want to use Steve as a "guinea pig", I'm all for it if it gives us a good laugh. I'll just tell him it's part of my therapy! After all, he is strong.....he is invincible!

Monday, October 6, 2008

another food find!

Just wanted to let anyone know that lives in the Cincinnati area, Meijer is now carrying the Momma DiSalvo's spaghetti sauce that is low in sodium. Remember, don't salt your pasta water and you'll have a very low sodium and very tasty meal. Wheat pasta is better for you too so give it a try. We love it! Even my family that doesn't have to watch their sodium loves this sauce! I've now seen it at Jungle Jims, Meijer and Kroger Marketplace.

Monitoring you heart failure daily!

If you are living with heart failure, you know how important it is to realize any changes that occur in your own body. Taking care of yourself and practicing healthy living habits can help keep your conditioning from worsening. Take steps to avoid colds! That one is easeir said than done but there are a few things you can do. Whenever you grocery shop, clean off the handles on the carts with a antibacterial wipe. I carry antibacterial spray in my purse. You can spray you hands after touching door knobs, etc and I use it at church after shaking hands with several people. This is NOT being rude....it's protecting yourself. Even a simple cold can reck havoc on someone living with heart failure. So, if you know someone with heart failure, please when you are ill........do not expose them. Stay away until you are better. Anything someone with heart failure comes down with is very hard on their heart. 2 bouts of bronchitis last year was very hard on me!

Also, if you have heart failure...........GET A FLU SHOT and a PNEUMONIA SHOT! I advise everyone to get the flu shot. That way, you don't pass it on to someone that does have heart failure. My daughter got hers last week and Steve and I are scheduled to get ours. This is something you can do to protect yourself and your own family.

For anyone with heart failure, it is important that you weigh yourself every day. This is one of the best ways to keep track of your heart failure. Sudden weight gain may be a sign that fuild is building up in your body. Weigh yourself at the same time, with the same scale, and with the same amount of clothing. About 2 pounds shows up on the scale for each extra quart of fluid. Make sure to record you weight in a chart everyday. ******If you gain 2 pounds in a 24 hour period or 3-5 pounds a week, call your doctor******This is very important! Do no try to medicate yourself by taking an extra water pill. In some cases, this may not be enough and could cause serious side effects. Make sure to get instructions from your doctor!

Take notice of your symptoms:

Experiencing new or increased symptoms could mean that your heart failure is not under control. But if the changes are caught early, your treatment can be adjusted and severe symptoms and hospitalization can be prevented. If you have symptoms, contact your doctor. Your heart failure is less likely to get worse if you pay attention to how your feel and know when to call your doctor. Call you doctor if your experience any of the following symptoms, or if they worsen.

**Sudden weight gain
**shortness of breath
**swelling of the feet, ankles, and legs
**nuases or swelling in the abdomen

Monitoring your condition every day is very important! JUST DO IT!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Understand your enemy!

October is breast cancer awareness. Now, this is NOT to steal any thunder from that worthy cause. Women, we need to be aware of that threat and schedule your mammograms every year once you reach the age of 40. One in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Women with a high risk for breast cancer should schedule them once a year at even younger ages. I think as women, we have gotten better about preventive action when it comes to breast cancer because we are good about taking care of the parts of our body we can see. But what about what's inside? It's critical to care about heart disease. Why is heart disease the number 1 killer of women and men in the U.S.? One reason is undeniably a lack of commitment to a heart-healthy lifestyle. Your lifestyle is not only your best defense against heart disease and stroke, it’s also YOUR responsibility. Here are some sobering statistics about women and heart disease:

**Only 13% of women view heart disease as a health threat, even though it’s women's No. 1 killer.

**Cardiovascular disease (CVD) kills over 480,000 women a year, about one per minute.

**One in three adult females and males in the United States suffers from a form of CVD.

**CVD claims more lives than the next four most common causes of death combined.
On average, an American dies of CVD every 35 seconds.

**Coronary heart disease is the No. 1 single killer of women over age 25.

**64% of women who died suddenly of coronary heart disease had no previous symptoms.

**One in 2.6 female deaths are from CVD, compared with one in 30 from breast cancer.
Heart disease rates in post-menopausal women are two to three times higher than in pre-menopausal women of the same age.

**Stroke is the #3 cause of death for American women, and is a leading cause of serious, long-term disability.

**Stroke kills more women than men. In 2003, females represented 61% of stroke deaths.

Heart disease is usually gradual and develops over time but women need to understand that heart disease is a "NOW" problem, and that "later" may be too late. Among women aged 25 to 34 years, a key audience for prevention messages, nearly two-thirds believed cancer was their greatest health threat and just 4% regarded heart disease as a danger. Half of these women will die of heart disease but yet their priorities lie elsewhere. Women......you make sure you schedule your mammograms and your yearly GYN exams, but don't take your heart for granted! Care for your heart, take action......get off the couch, get a heart checkup, know your numbers, know your family history and know your risks for heart disease, do something for yourself and the people you love! There are risk factors that only YOU can do something about. Don't wait until you have symptoms or problems, later may be to late. I wish I had done that. Maybe my heart condition would not have progressed to where it is now, but I'll never know. Do it NOW! I love the Nike slogan and I use it quite frequently so JUST DO IT!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Foods that actually help lower your cholesterol

I heard this on my local news this evening and wanted to post it before I forget! Anytime I hear news stories that are related to heart disease and helping prevent it, I get excited. I you have high cholesterol and are looking for foods that help lower you cholesterol, here are some they mentioned this evening. I know olive oil works because I use it all the time and it actually helped bring up my good cholesterol. I could never get that number to come up until I started using olive oil. It also lowered my bad cholesterol a great deal too. My last test, I had a total cholesterol of 138 and my good cholesterol was high, which is very good. That number you want to be high! ok...here's a list of foods that may help you.

Orange juice and citrus fruits
Stell cut oats, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pecans and peanuts. A handful a day is all you need!

Olive oil
Medical Margerine

and.....believe it or not.....here's the best one.....a little bit of dark chocolate! Notice the key words, a little bit. Don't eat but a square of dark chocolate a day. It also helps keep your blood flowing and helps prevent bood clots. Everything in moderation!

Another tip, olive oil has great benefits but it does have the calories so use it in moderation too.

Low sodium food find!

ok, folks, right after posting the info about pickles and the pickle recipe, I found a no sodium bread and butter pickle at Kroger. I was so excited! Look for it at your Kroger. It's Kroger brand and it has no sodium at all. It says no sodium on the front of the jar. I was doing the happy dance! Doesn't take much!

Watch the salt in pickles!

One of the things I probably missed the most when I had to go on this sodium restricted diet was dill pickles. I absolutely love dill pickles and would even drink the pickle juice from the jar when the pickles were all gone! When I would eat a cheeseburger, I would load it with about 20 pickles! Oh, that was so yummy! As you know, dill pickles are loaded with sodium so after my diagnosis I had to cut out pickles all together. You can actually order a no salt pickle from www.healthyheartmarket.com and they are pretty good. They do have a different taste buy yummy none the less! I thought I would also post a recipe for a pickle that is easy to make at home.

Easy Dill Pickles

4 pickling, or kirby, cucumbers, unpeeled (about 1 pound)
1 cup water
3/4 cup cider vinegar
1 tablespoon dill seeds
1 tablespoon whole pickling spices
1 tablespoon sugar
2 medium garlic cloves
4 to 5 sprigs fresh dillweed (optional)

With a knife or crinkle cutter, cut the cucumbers crosswise into 1/4 inch slices. You should have about 4 cups. Line a colander with 2 or 3 paper towels. Put the cucumbers in the colander, cover with a paper towel, and set a plate no top to slightly weigh the cucumber down (this will help remove any excess moisture). Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes.

In a large saucepan, bring the remaining ingredients to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium and stir in the cucumbers. Cook for 3 minutes, or until tender-crisp, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and let cool for 15 minutes. Transfer to an airtight container large enough to hold the cucumbers and the liquid (a clean large pickle jar works well) and refrigerate for a least 4 hours before serving. The pickles will keep in the refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.

Enjoy! Remember, store bought dill pickles are loaded with sodium. It's best to not eat these at all on a sodium restricted diet!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The effects of Caffeine on the heart

As you know, if you have CHF, caffeine is something to be avoided. I have been told by my doctor to even stay away from de-caffeinated coffee and caffeine free diet coke, etc because they still contain a small amount of caffeine. Now, the hardest thing for me to give up was the chocolate! I couldn't believe it when the doctor told me I could no longer eat chocolate. How could they do that to a woman?! It's funny, when I was in the hospital the first time, they gave me chocolate cake for desert almost every night! I did notice I sure started sleeping better when I gave up caffeine in my sodas. I now drink diet sierra mist or diet sprite....only the clear sodas. I don't really miss the chocolate now either. The cravings go away after so long without something and you really do get used to it. The one thing that concerns me are the energy drinks out on the market today. Drinks like red bull, etc are loaded with caffeine and just are not good for anyone to drink. I heard on the news that 1 energy drink contains the same amount of caffeine that you would get if you were to drink 14 coke soft drinks at once. Do you drink them or allow your children to drink them? Caffeine in moderation is the key. Drink one of them and moderation goes right out the window! Here are some of the effects caffeine has on the body. Information below from the Mayo Clinic.

Many energy drinks are loaded with caffeine, sugar and herbal stimulants that can make you alert, but can also make your heart beat markedly faster, putting you at risk of health problems.

Caffeine, the main ingredient in energy drinks, isn't directly toxic to the heart. But if you have almost any type of underlying heart disease, even a small amount of caffeine can stimulate the heart and cause problems. Caffeine can increase your blood pressure, and sometimes impair blood flow to your heart. It may trigger abnormal heart rhythms, which can be life-threatening in people at high risk.

One problem with energy drinks is that they have become popular as mixers for alcoholic beverages, often in an effort to counteract drowsiness so that you can drink more alcohol. The combination of large amounts of caffeine and alcohol is especially dangerous, since alcohol by itself is known to trigger fast heart rhythms. To avoid this serious health risk — even if you don't have heart disease — you shouldn't combine alcohol with energy drinks.

Another problem is that energy drinks are often consumed quickly, sometimes before exercise. The high amounts of caffeine and sugar can lead to a variety of symptoms, including irritability, nervousness and nausea, sometimes severe enough to require hospitalization.

For athletic activity, it's healthier to drink noncaffeinated, low-sugar beverages to prevent dehydration. If you decide to consume an energy drink, read the label and research how much caffeine it contains. If you have heart disease, be cautious about energy drinks and talk to your doctor for individual recommendations.

General information about the effects of caffeine on the body......(not energey drinks, but just regular caffeine) Too much caffein can affect your health. Remember, everything in moderation! More than 500-600 mg a day or 4-7 cups of coffee a day can cause:

Muscle Tremors
Nause, diarrha or other gastrointestional symptoms
Abnormal Heart Rhythms

Caffeine can be habit-forming, so any attempts to stop or lessen the amount you normally consume can be challenging. An abrupt decrease in caffeine can cause withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, irritability and nervousness. These symptoms usually resolve after several days.

To adopt new caffeine habits, try these tips:

Know how much caffeine is in the foods and beverages you consume. You may be consuming more than you think.

Gradually reduce the amount of caffeine you consume. For example, drink one less can of soda or drink a smaller cup of coffee each day. This will help your body get used to the lower levels of caffeine and thereby lessen the withdrawal effects.

Replace caffeinated coffee, tea and soda with their decaffeinated counterparts. Most decaffeinated beverages look and taste the same.

When preparing tea, brew for less time. This cuts down on its caffeine content. Or choose herbal teas, which don't contain this stimulant.

Check the caffeine content in over-the-counter medications that you take. Pain relief or headache medications, such as Excedrin or Anacin, can contain from 65 mg to 130 mg of caffeine in one dose. Switch to caffeine-free versions, if possible.

Do something good for yourself today! LOVE YOUR HEART!