About Me

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At age 39, I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy. I was given days to live with a heart function of 5% at that time. I was also told I needed a heart transplant to survive. I am now a 13 year survivor and have not had a heart transplant. I am married to my best friend, Steve and have one daughter, age 19. I'm sharing my journey to help others and because it "Matters to my Heart."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

God of the Impossible

I've had so many people ask me how I knew that God was going to touch my heart and give me healing. Then they go on to to say, why are my prayers not being answered when what I'm asking for is something that can only be good for my family? Sometimes it's hard to answer questions as to why are my prayers not being answered in the way people want them answered but I have to remind someone whenever they ask me this, my healing did not come instantly. I've had my struggles over the last 10 years with my health and I've had my struggles with God. I've held onto things I needed to let Go off and for a time refused to let the refiner do a work in my heart that was different than what I thought I needed. God opened my eyes to areas in my life and in my heart that needed to change. I needed to get my heart focused on God's kingdom, no matter the cost and take my eyes off of Kim and what her wants and desires were. I had to learn to trust thru difficult times. I've had on more than one occasion life threatening situations come up with my health and it has not been an easy journey but it is one I would not change for the world. Sometimes I don't think I do very well at answering people when they ask me questions like that. My journey has not been easy but I have always believed God was there with me and moving in my life to bring about his glory but lots of things had to melt away before he could truly shine. The refiner had to chip away and I had to be willing to allow him to do that. In my devotional today by Chris Tiegreen, what he says kind of helps me and maybe it will help you too. It's about God being the God of the impossible. Here is what is says:

In word, God can do impossible things. Just look at the revealed testimonies to his power: "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Genesis 18:14); "Do I lack the strength to rescue you?" (Isaiah 50:2); "Is anything to hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27); "With God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26); and "Everything is possible for him who believes" (Mark 9:23). We may pray and wonder what God's will is in a situation, but we should never--under any circumstances--wonder if God can meet our needs. The Creator of Heaven can do anything. As Jesus approached his passion, he had no doubts about the Father's power. The only question was God's will. In that situation, Jesus submitted willingly.

When we prayer we often times want God's power to be at our disposal. We want the power first, and our submission afterward. (been there, done that....doesn't work). That's not God's way, and that was not what Jesus did. He spent years demonstrating submission before he demonstrated miracles. Answers to prayer were not the ultimate goal for him; obedience was. God's will was. The plan of salvation and the Kingdom of God were. Miracles were only a small part of the bigger purpose.

Do we pray with that kind of focus? We sometimes seek answers to prayer without settling our commitment to Kingdom purposes first. But if we can be firmly allied with God's great plan--even when it hurts our short term interests--we can pray with the power of Jesus. We can call on the Father, knowing that he'll put angels and his spirit at our disposal.

(back to me now)
So, I have learned that obedience is more important to God than changing your circumstance, etc. He wants you to be his first.....completely his. He wants your whole heart. He wants you to love him with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. He wants you to do his will no matter the cost. No matter what he asks you to give up, no matter the changes he's telling you to make. He's waiting for obedience. With obedience comes blessing. I've experienced this in my life. You ultimate goal should be to further God's kingdom. We have to be about our Father's business to reach this dying world. That's what he wants first.

Chris goes on to say: Have a firm commitment to God's kingdom at whatever cost to your agenda. Then pray. Pray with power and with faith. With God, nothing is impossible.

I'm nothing special. I'm just a girl that thru the trials of the last 10 years fell head over heels in love with Jesus and was finally obedient to the areas God was trying to change in me. To the areas he was telling me to give up. To the areas he was telling me to get out of my comfort zone and move. The refining process wasn't without pain but it was so worth it. Jesus is so worth it. I'm sure there is more refining to come too. Let him purge the junk out of your life.....I'll leave you with this quote. "God can never make us wine if we object to the fingers he uses to crush us with." Oswald Chambers

I truly want people to see Jesus shine in me and not Kim shining.

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