About Me

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At age 39, I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy. I was given days to live with a heart function of 5% at that time. I was also told I needed a heart transplant to survive. I am now a 13 year survivor and have not had a heart transplant. I am married to my best friend, Steve and have one daughter, age 19. I'm sharing my journey to help others and because it "Matters to my Heart."

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Opening Day Parade

I love meeting new people. Thursday I was blessed to be able to take part in the Cincinnati Reds opening day parade with a great group of ladies and one man! All of us have a passion for what Go Red for Women represents and that's getting the word out to women that heart disease is our number 1 killer and educating people of the importance of taking care of their hearts. This is definetely a passion of mine since my diagnosis with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy almost 10 years ago. I was dreading being out in the cold all that time but once I was there, I didn't even realize how cold it was! The entire time I walked in the parade, I just kept thanking God for all he's done for me because just 2 years ago there is no way I would have been able to walk as far as we did. I was pleasantly surprised by the comments from the crowd because there were lots of people that knew what we are about and it was nice to hear them cheering us on and taking the message to heart. It was fun interacting with the crowd and giving high fives to some kids and even one man who commented that I was awesome! No sir, I'm not awesome. If not for Christ, I would not have even been there to take part in that parade. I do nothing on my own power but thru Christ who gives me strength. I know that my strength comes from the Lord and that because of a healing touch on me being in the parade was possible I met several very strong ladies that also have a story to share. I love to people watch also and just looking at the crowd you could just imagine what their story could possibly be. I think so differently than I did just a couple years ago because I couldn't help but think when I looked at the number of people there, how many of them don't have the hope I do. How many of them don't have a deep, personal relationship with my Savior? How many of them were willing to spend hours in the cold all bundled to watch a parade and maybe take in a baseball game but would those same people be willing to bundle up and wait for hours to attend a worship service outside in the cold? Would you? I know that may seem strange to you but I just couldn't help thinking that. I wish I had time to sit down with every person and ask them what their story was but that was just simply impossible. Do you take the time to speak with someone you've just met and listen, really listen to their story? It's so important. I met several new people and heard parts of stories that really were inspiring. We've all been through something and we all have something to say and share that has the potential to inspire another soul along the way. When you ask someone how they are doing, do you really want to know? Are you prepared when they tell you truthfully how they are really doing? If you are in Christ, always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within you. Weird that parade gave me these thoughts! It was a pretty fun-filled day and I was blessed to be able to do it. I'm grateful for the opportunities that have come my way and forever thankful for what God has done for me. As most of you know, I'm not a big sports fan but I did come home and catch the game on tv that day and the ending was very sweet! I'll leave you with just one thought. Although they didn't Thursday, the Reds will disappoint but Jesus never will.

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