About Me

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At age 39, I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy. I was given days to live with a heart function of 5% at that time. I was also told I needed a heart transplant to survive. I am now a 13 year survivor and have not had a heart transplant. I am married to my best friend, Steve and have one daughter, age 19. I'm sharing my journey to help others and because it "Matters to my Heart."

Friday, January 30, 2009

Resting heart rate!

Ok, I admit I listen to "The Doctors" on my tv radio while I'm working each morning. This morning, they were discussing your resting heart rate. The lower your resting heart rate is, the healthier your heart is. So, guess what the best way to get your resting heart rate down is? You got it.....EXERCISE! I knew this and I do this! They want to keep mine at around 61 and it is usually there. It does flucuate a bit from time to time but for the most part, with exercise and my heart meds, mine is around 61. So.....my challenge to you is: Starting today, take your pulse while at rest. Then for the next 2 weeks, exercise at least 3x per week for at least 30 minutes......more days is better but start with 3. At the end of 2 weeks, check your resting heart rate and see if it's come down any. It should! You will feel better and your heart will thank you! LOVE YOUR HEART!

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